
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

This morning we did ATL ministry in San Lorenzo. We asked the Lord where to go and the words He told me were knee, white fridge, purple, and turquoise. He told my team mate Morgan which direction to go and rest of us to go and love on all the people we meet today. So we took a left and He led us to a house with a lady who had a hurt foot. She fell and cut it and it has been infected for 8 months. She has had a hard time walking on it ever since and cannot afford to pay for the medicine. We got to pray healing over her foot and then her granddaughter( who was wearing a turquoise shirt) came with us to pray for some people in her village. The little girls names is caren, and she plays soccer at el campo with one way (the ministry we partner with). We continued to walk around and we found a man who was sitting on the side of the street with a hurt knee. Caren was with us and she joined in on praying healing over this mans knee. After praying we headed back to el campo for lunch and stopped at a tienda. The lady at the tienda had a white fridge and was wearing purple. Two of the things the Lord brought to mind when asking Him what we should do. So we hung out with her at the tienda, saw a really really cute dog , ate queso taqaritos and she gave us some really really good apple juice.

I didn’t know what ATL was before coming on the race. Since being here in Guatemala and getting to do it everyday I’ve realized that ATL is a lifestyle. We should continuously ask the Lord throughout our day where to go, what we should, who we should pray for, who we should speak with. I have learned that we should also be interuptable. Slow down and take time to listen to the Father to be in constant communication with Him.

Tomorrow when you wake up I challenge you to ask the Lord what you should for the day. Mathew 28:19 says as you go make disciples. So as you go on with your day ask the Lord these things and be in constant communication with Him. This builds intimacy and it is beautiful.

3 responses to “ASK THE LORD”

  1. I am learning ATL / TA of LP in my life. Ask Kyle to tell you the story i shared with him about the squad who prayed for God to raise someone from the dead… (!)

  2. That’s so cool!!!! I see your trust in God growing, and with that, He’s claiming everything. He uses you to speak to lost people- wow, gosh golly, that’s beautiful