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“Whatever you give up, you gain a million times in Christ. There is nothing in this life that is worth Jesus. For you to come to salvation costs nothing. For you to walk in the Kingdom will cost everything.” – Deon Vanstden


I always knew that following the Lord wouldn’t be easy. During training camp, God gave me a new perspective while Deon was speaking that it costs everything to live for Christ, but we will gain eternal perspective in exchange. When we give Him our brokenness, our failures, our hurts, and our shame; He gives us new life. A life filled with purpose, hope, joy, a reason to live, and the strength to persevere through trials. 

For when we live life in surrender as disciples of Christ and persevere through trial, we gain the crown of life and so much more (Luke 14:26-32, James 1:12).


I learned that He is worth it. He is worth missing out on the “fun” things, and He is worth living out of your comfort zone for 9 months. It is worth being seen as a “fool” or as “weird” when we live with Christ. He is worth it all. It does cost everything to follow Him, but what we give up of ourselves we gain so much more in Him. 


For example, I have left the comfort of my home for 9 months, but what I gain is the opportunity to live a life that is more simple. A life surrounded by my brothers and sisters in Christ, learning daily from each of them. I also get to learn how to trust in Him more, I have gotten to walk in healing and everyday He teaches me more and more about who He is. 


When I look at this picture of the view on the way to my best friend’s house, what I see isn’t a choice of which direction to turn to get to my final destination. What I see is a decision that has to be daily — the decision to choose whether we walk in the light or walk in darkness. I can choose to pursue the Kingdom and walk in the purpose and freedom I have in the Lord, with new mercies every morning, or I can pursue the darkness of this world and walk as a captive to my past sin and shame

11 responses to “Walk in the light or walk in the darkness”

  1. I love this Anna! Sometimes we do miss out on the things perceived as “fun”, young life, and feel left out. I find myself feeling this way from time to time. But you’ve encouraged me! He IS worth missing out on the fun in this world, because one day we’ll be having fun with Him in heaven ?? Love you, and keep up His good work!

  2. OK, this makes me feel very old… but I honestly don’t think you’re missing out on anything “fun!” When I think about what other kids are doing at your age it just makes me sad. Satan only has counterfeit light. Only Jesus has words of everlasting life! I am so happy for your whole group to have this wonderful life-changing experience.

  3. dailyyyyy pick up your cross and follow Him. really enjoy seeing the ways God is leading you into fuller life with Him.

  4. How many choices a day do we make? Most often we only think of the bigger choices in a day … what’s for dinner (yeah one of my bigger ones in a day). But it’s the smaller ones (do i smile at this person? Say Hi?) that slip by without a lot of notice that can make a larger impact with the least effort. Great job on choosing JOY.

  5. So very true Anna! You have been given an amazing opportunity to see things thru new lens..a whole new perspective…and you are right, Jesus is so worth it. Don’t ever forget that! Thanks for sharing and reminding that truth to the rest of us!

  6. I love reading how much you are growing in faith. You are gaining wisdom beyond your years. Love you!
